Accredited (Grade-‘B++’) 2nd Cycle, UGC Affiliation Under Section 2F And 12B Of The UGC Act
033 2573 0035
Associate Professor in Economics
M.A, Ph.D
The Department of Economics started its journey in the year 1996 (vide memo no: C/241/Affl. dated:18.03.1996 of Calcutta University) with the introduction of Under Graduate as B.A Pass Standard initially with only two students admitted with Mathematics & Political Science combination. However, Honours Course in Economics discipline was introduced in 2001(vide memo no. c/2020A/268-Affl. dated 10.09.2001 of Calcutta University). As per decision taken in the West Bengal State Assembly, our College and the Department had got its new affiliation to the newly founded West Bengal State University, P.O: Berunan pukuria, Barasat, North 24 Parganas in 2009.
Presently, the Department is composed with two faculties in substantive position with specialisations in Econometrics, Development Economics and Finance. Apart from the duties assigned by the College, faculties are also involved in University conducted examinations as Examiners, Question Paper setters and Moderators. Power Point presentations are used along with regular “chalk and talk” and “interactive” methods to make the lectures more interesting in the class room. Students are also encouraged to deliver their presentation through PPT (internal Assessments) and continuous assessment through board work. Further, teachers are also engaged in regular counselling of students regarding overall development and career advancement. Parents- Teachers meetings are reintroduced in the post Covid-19 period.
Seminar library in the Department was formed in 1998 and continues its activities till date. It contains …..Books comprised of syllabus oriented texts and reference. Students can issue books as per their choice from the seminar library for 10days.
The Department had organized a National Seminar in 2011 and 2018 and an International Webinar during Covid-19 pandemic jointly with other departments of the College. Apart from that Special Lectures, Seminars, Workshops, Educational Tours, Awareness Programmes have observed:
1. Name of the Department | Economics | ||
2. Year of Establishment | Date of Affiliation with G.O. NO. & DATE: GENERAL: HONOURS: | ||
3. Names of Programmes / Courses Offered (UG, PG, MPhil, PhD,Integrated Masters; Integrated PhD,etc.) | UG | B.A. Honours in Economics B.A. General in Economics | |
4. Names of Interdisciplinary courses and departments involved | Nil | ||
5. Annual/ Semester/choice based credit system (programme wise) | Annual | ||
6Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments | i)Faculty support to Department of Commerce & vice versa ii)Conducted National Seminar in collaboration with Deptts. of History & Philosophy | ||
7. Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc. | Nil | ||
8. Details of courses/ programmes discontinued (if any) with reasons | Nil | ||
9. Number of teaching posts sanctioned and filled As per personal promotion Scheme | Sanctioned | Filled | |
Professors | Nil | Nil | |
Associate Professors | Nil | Nil | |
Asst. Professors (Substantive) | 02 | 01 | |
Asst. Professors (Contractual Govt. aided) | Nil | Nil | |
Asst. Professors (Management Appointee) | Nil | Nil | |
Part time (Govt. aided) | Nil | Nil | |
Part time (Management Appointee) | Nil | Nil |
10. Faculty Profile | |||||
Name | Qualification | Designation | Specialization | No of years of Experience | No.of PhD Students guided for the last 4 |
Dr. Sukla Chatterjee | MA, Ph.D | Associate Professor | Development Economics, Econometrics & Statistics | More than 18 Years | Supervised a thesis of Post Graduate Diploma HR HuHR Human Rights |
11. List of senior visiting faculty | Nil | ||||
12.Percentageof lectures delivered and practical classes handled (programme wise) by temporary faculty: (in %) | |||||
Temporaryfaculty | 2014-15 | 2013-14 | 2012-13 | 2011-12 | 2010-11 |
Lectures delivered and practical classes handled | 36.97% | 52.67% | 31.35% | 46.99% | NA |
13. Student Teacher Ratio (programme wise) | |||||
UG(Hons) | 1:1Dec14 | 1:0.67 | 1:0.5 | 2:1 | NA |
1:3 Feb15 | |||||
14. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff | Nil | ||||
15. Qualifications of teaching faculty with DSc/D.Litt/Ph.D/MPhil/PG | PhD-1, M.Sc-others | ||||
16. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from | Sl.No. | Name of Faculty | Title of Project | Amount Sanctioned | Funding Agency |
a) National b) International funding agencies and grants received | Nil | ||||
17.Departmentalprojects funded by DST- FIST; DBT, ICSSR, etc. and grants received | Funding Agency | Amount Sanctioned | |||
Nil | |||||
18.Research Centre/Facility recognized by the University | Nil |
19.Publications : a) Publicationperfaculty b) Numberof papers published in peer reviewed journals (b1.national / b2.international) by faculty and students c) Numberofpublicationslistedin International Database (For Eg: Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database – International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) d) Monographs e) Chapterin Books f) Books Edited g) Books with ISBN/ISSN numbers with details of publishers h) CitationIndex i) SNIP j) SJR k) Impactfactor l) h-index | ||||||||||||
Faculty | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L |
Dr. Sukla Chatterjee | 24 | 2 | 6 | 1 | 2 |
20. Areas of Consultancy and Income Generated | NIL |
21.Facultyas members in a) National committees b)International Committees c)Editorial Boards.. | |
National Committees | |
InternationalCommittees | |
EditorialBoards | |
22. Student projects | |
a)Percentageof students who have done in-house projects including Inter departmental/programme | 60% students involved in making wall magazine & exhibition of paintings |
b) Percentage of students placed for projects in organizations outside the institution i.e.in Research laboratories/ Industry/ other agencies | 100% students carried out surveys in panchayat areas for in-course project work |
23. Awards/ Recognitions received by faculty and students | Nil |
24.Listof eminent academicians and scientists/ visitors to the department | |
Dignitary | Status |
Prof. Ashok Ranjan Thakur | Vice Chancellor, West Bengal State University |
Prof. Shibranjan Mishra | Professor, Department of Economics, Visva Bharati University, Santiniketan |
Prof. Arup Maharatna | Professor, Economics, Gokhale Institute of Economics & Politics, Pune |
Prof. Saikat Mitra | Department of Economics, Jadavpur University, Kolkata |
Prof. Jyotish Ghosh | Department of Economics, West Bengal State University |
Prof. Debobrato Mukherjee | Department of Economics, West Bengal State University, Barasat |
Ms. Sweta Mondal | Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Sarojini Naidu College for Women, West Bengal State University |
Dr. Raqjib Lahiri | Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Derozio Memorial College, West Bengal State University |
Sri. Avik Ranjan Roy Choudhury | Associate Professor, Department of of Commerce, Derozio Memorial College, West Bengal State University ege. |
Dr. Mousumi Saha | Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Shyama Prasad College, Kolkata |
25.Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding | |
1) On 7th and 8th December 2011, the Departments of Economics, History & Philosophy jointly organized U.G.C. sponsored National level seminar on “Rethinking of Tagore’s views on Society, its Development and Environment: Necessity and Implementation” in collaboration with Institute of Historical Studies , Kolkata. |
26.Student profile programme/course wise: History Honours | ||||||
Year | Applications received | Admitted | Appearedat the Final Examination | Passpercentage | No.of 1st Class | |
UG(Hons) | UG | UG | UG | |||
M | F | |||||
2014-15 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 100% | – |
2013-14 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 100% | 1 |
2012-13 | 2 | 1 | ||||
2011-12 | 2 | 2 | ||||
2010-11 |
27.Diversityof Students | Students from the State | Students from other states | Students from other countries |
100% |
28.How many students have cleared national and state competitive examinations such as JAM, NET, SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defense services, etc. | |||||||
2014-15 | 2013-14 | 2012-13 | 2011-12 | ||||
Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil | Nil |
29.Student progression | |||||
Student Progression | Against% enrolled | ||||
2014-15 | 2013-14 | 2012-13 | 2011-12 | 2010-11 | |
UGto PG | 100% | 100% | |||
PGto MPhil | |||||
PGto PhD | |||||
PhDto Post Doctoral | |||||
EmployedCampus selection Other than campus | 02 | ||||
Entrepreneurship/Self-employment | |||||
30.Details of Infrastructural facilities | |||||
LectureHalls with ICT facility: 01 Computersystems with printers and accessories: 01 Internetconnectivity: Available | |||||
DepartmentalLibrary:books–200, Journals -01( E-journal) E-dataBase: Nil Digitalcourseware: Nil UG,core& complementary Labs: Nil |
31.Numberof students receiving financial assistance from college, university, government or other agencies: | |||
Period | College | University | Governmentorother agencies |
2014-15 | 07 | ||
2013-14 | 06 | ||
2012-13 | 05 | ||
2011-12 | 05 | ||
32.Details on student enrichment programmes (special lectures/workshops / seminar) with external experts-Educational Tour : Allahabad Bank, Nager Bazar Branch, Kolkata | |||
33.Teachingmethods adopted to improve student learning: | |||
Classes taken usually through chalk & talk method Study materials are provided as and when necessary Debates are invited on burning issues of economy Departmental library facilities for easy reference Class tests are taken for review improvements | |||
34.Participationin Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and Extension activities | |||
Some students of the Department participate in N.C.C who also perform as volunteers in various programs/activities organized by the college | |||
35.SWOC analysis of the department and Future plans | |||
Strengths | -Obedience of students who attend classes -Eagerness of students with rural background -Active participation of students in departmental as well as college affairs -Regularity & sincerity of teachers | ||
Weakness | -Random absence of students with rural background -Shortage of teachers & not filling up substantive post -Departmental Library needs to be developed by the college – No administrative staff to handle administrative work of the department -No fund for recurring expenses of the Department | ||
Opportunities | -To fill up the vacant post (substantive) -To appoint guest teachers to provide justified number of classes to students. | ||
Challenges | -To make students regular in classes matching study & livelihood – To retain students in higher studies as mostly first generation learners -Retention of female students restricted due to early marriage | ||
Future Plan | -Increase in number of students in Honours course -Improve departmental library -To fill up substantive post of department |
Current students, Ex-students & Teachers Meet on 21.9.2022 (2022-23) at Department of Economics for analyzing Syllabus of Economics and Ex-students shared their views on Teaching-Learning experiences.
Current students, Teachers & Ex-students Meet on 21.9.2022 (2022-23) at Department of Economics for analyzing Syllabus of Economics and Ex-students shared their views on Teaching-Learning experiences.
1 | Economics-General-CBCS-syllabus | |
2 | Economics-Honours-CBCS-syllabus | |